In late 2021 and early 2022, Russia along with its ally Belarus began a military build-up around Ukraine's borders. This was subsequently followed by the Kremlin's official recognition of the two self-proclaimed Separatist States of Donetsk and Luhansk in East Ukraine on 21st February 2022.
However, on 24th February 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin and his administration launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. This is seen as the largest military attack in Europe since World War II and as of March 2022, there have been more than two thousand deaths of military personnel and civilians along with more than two million who have been displaced from their homes. The Russian invasion has been condemned internationally with many countries imposing sanctions which have resulted in economic consequences for Russia and other countries. Various countries around the world have provided Ukraine with military and humanitarian aid. Moreover, protests have erupted all around the world condemning Russia's actions with those in Russia met with mass arrests and a brutal crackdown on censorship.